
To my son and daughter,
Life is so unpredictable that I do not know how long I can be with you to guide you along in your Life. As a father, I hope I will be there to advice you when you faces the challenges in Life that we all must go through. This blog holds my philosophy in Life shaped through my on experiences. You have just started your own journey which I am sure will be a great one. I hope to leave you a little gift to help you along when I am no longer around.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Life Imitates Chess - Insights into Life as a Game of Strategy (by Gary Kasparov)

Better decision-making cannot be taught, but it can be self-taught. Such decisive moments are turning points - every time we select a fork in these moments and in turn they define our lives. We learn who we are and what truly matters to us. The "secret" then is to pursue these challenges instead of avoiding them. This is the only way to discover and to exploit all our gifts. Developing our own personal blueprint allows us to make better decisions, to have the confidence to trust our instincts, and to know that no matter what the result, we will come out stronger. That, for each of us, is our unique secret of success. ~ Gary Kasparov, How Life Imitates Chess (Insights into life as a game of strategy)

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