
To my son and daughter,
Life is so unpredictable that I do not know how long I can be with you to guide you along in your Life. As a father, I hope I will be there to advice you when you faces the challenges in Life that we all must go through. This blog holds my philosophy in Life shaped through my on experiences. You have just started your own journey which I am sure will be a great one. I hope to leave you a little gift to help you along when I am no longer around.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


A frequently changed strategy is the same as no strategy. Change can be essential, but it should only be made with careful consideration and just cause. Losing can persuade you to change what doesn't need to be changed and winning can convince you everything is fine even if you are on the brink of diseaster. If you are quick to blame faulty strategy and change it all the time, you really don't have any strategy at all. Only when the environment shifts radically should you consider a change in fundamentals. We must walk a fine line between flexibility and consistency. A strategist must have faith in his strategy and the courage to follow it through and still be open-minded enough to realize when a change of course is required. Changes must be considered carefully, and when they come they must be made decisively. Success is seldom analysed as closely as failure and we are always quick to attribute our victories to superiority, rather than circumstance. When things are going well it is even more important to question. Over-confidence leads to mistakes, a feeling that anything is good enough. ~ Gary Kasporav (How Life Imitates Chess)

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