
To my son and daughter,
Life is so unpredictable that I do not know how long I can be with you to guide you along in your Life. As a father, I hope I will be there to advice you when you faces the challenges in Life that we all must go through. This blog holds my philosophy in Life shaped through my on experiences. You have just started your own journey which I am sure will be a great one. I hope to leave you a little gift to help you along when I am no longer around.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Haunted by Kindness!?

It was a terrible day for me yesterday. I received an unexpected call from my HR manager regarding the routine checks they do for new hires. They were alarmed because they found my name listed in an outstanding writ of summon (filed almost 2 years ago). It was something that I wasn’t aware of myself, neither do I know the person who had filed the lawsuit but after some investigation, I managed to trace it to my brother who is a small time businessman. Apparently, the person was his client who had some business dispute with him and he filed the writ summon on all directors and shareholders of my brother’s company, and I being a small shareholder is also being implicated.

The irony is that the reason I am a shareholder of my brother’s company is because our family supported him in his business venture, and out of gratitude, he has given some small shares to all in the family. It has been years and we have not bothered about the business, neither have we benefited from it monetary wise. So it was really unfortunate that his kindness has such an unexpected consequence.

Whatever the outcome it is, I will blame nobody… brother has given me the shares out of gratitude and harm is last thing he has in mind, the client cannot entirely be blamed because he is only fighting for his interest (will not judge on him since I do not know who is right and who is wrong in this business dispute) but in this case, because of his act, he has harmed somebody that he has never met before and has no feud with……and the thing is that he is not even aware of it.

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