
To my son and daughter,
Life is so unpredictable that I do not know how long I can be with you to guide you along in your Life. As a father, I hope I will be there to advice you when you faces the challenges in Life that we all must go through. This blog holds my philosophy in Life shaped through my on experiences. You have just started your own journey which I am sure will be a great one. I hope to leave you a little gift to help you along when I am no longer around.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lost & Found

Today I found back an old friend whom I have lost touch for more than 10 years on face book. Isn’t that amazing!

However, my topic is not about losing and finding a friend……….but while updating her on my recent developments tonight, it strikes me that this is probably the most appropriate description for what I have been through the last one year.

In 2009, I lost my job due to the financial crisis but I found back a few pieces of my life. The 6 months of freedom from the rat race had brought me back to those days when I had a lot more curiosity and aspiration for the non-materialistic pursuits in life. I actually had time to venture out of my comfort zone to join a humanitarian group to travel to Thai borders and Myanmar to do some voluntary work. Even if it was just 2 weeks in total i.e. 3.846154% of a year, it was a good start and more than what I had done for over the last 30+ years! Hopefully, this is not the peak….should it be so…then it will be really regretful.

Another good friend that found the way back into my life is Mr. Reflection. Most urban dwellers in this city is so busy chasing the corporate ladder, that they have little time to reflect on their life and what is happening around the world. I started this blog especially for this good friend of mine, because I think this is one way to make him stay.

I am not sure whether I found the 3rd and last piece yet…..because I am honestly abit reluctant to face this old friend. It must have more than 20 over years ago when I had this ambitious goal of finding some light in the world of religion. My plan was to study and understand some of major religion to eventually decide on which is the most worthwhile following. However, the search ended after a rather frustrating encounter with a particular religious group. I am somebody who believes that Faith can come only after Enlightenment (i.e. that my doubts can be clarified rationally), else it would just be Blind Faith. Therefore, since I was unable to complete my task (as a student, there were easily more pressing task to focus on…..such as your examinations!), I decided that the best religion for me is none. All these years, I have been avoiding this friend as much I can but various encounters in 2009 seem to draw me closer to him. Is it time to complete the unfinished task? It is a huge task……..

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