
To my son and daughter,
Life is so unpredictable that I do not know how long I can be with you to guide you along in your Life. As a father, I hope I will be there to advice you when you faces the challenges in Life that we all must go through. This blog holds my philosophy in Life shaped through my on experiences. You have just started your own journey which I am sure will be a great one. I hope to leave you a little gift to help you along when I am no longer around.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Fengshui & Christianity

What is the link between Fengshui & Christianity?

Had a very interesting conversation with a Christian colleague the other day on the topic of Fengshui. So happen that our company, an international firm is to move our office to a location next month and our top management had engaged a fengshui master to ensure that we had the right seating arrangement to ensure “prosperity” for the firm!

This colleague friend of mine made a very interesting comment that “only people who have no confidence had to rely on the “unknown” for faith”. I would not fault her on this statement as the effectiveness of fengshui cannot be proven with our knowledge of science. However, I couldn’t help wondering why as a Christian she herself so willingly put her faith in a “belief” that also cannot be proven by science! In fact, my understanding has been that science has repeatedly contradicted some of the facts regarding their beliefs.

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